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Donation Every Year

Amazing Vocal Volunteer

Face to Face Visit

Organised Local Event

How Can I Help?

  • Make a Donation
  • Sponsor a Girl
  • Spread the Word
  • Pray for the Victims
  • Be a Bible Team Member or Teacher in Asia (Short Term)
  • Teach English Using the Bible


Thousands of teenagers are sold, entrapped, coerced, tricked, drugged and other means to make them slaves of organized crime in many countries outside and inside of Asia. For example, Japan’s criminal underground brothels have approximately one hundred and fifty thousand girls in their prostitution racket.

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Safe house in the Philippines


vulnerable teenagers:

Thousands of teenagers are means to make them slaves of organized crime in many countries and in Asia.

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Management team

Ron Brown is 86 years old. He will be replaced by a team.

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A team of churches of Christ congregations in Asia will handle the operations in their areas.

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We Provide
A Safe Place to Live

Learn more about SAVE-ASIAN-SOULS, our work, and how you can partner with us to make a difference.

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Girls in RoomGirls in RoomPhilippinesGirls w.h.parentsGirls w.h.parentsPhilippinesNepal HouseNepal HouseNepalSafe HouseSafe HousePhilippinesMukdahanMukdahanThailandNew safe house Vientiane LaosNew safe house Vientiane LaosLaos


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