About Us

About Save Asian Souls

Our goal is to locate and shelter teens (approx. ages 8 to 20) in Asia who would possibly become targets for human trafficking to other countries and teach them the Bible.

We aim to accomplish this goal by providing the following for these teens:

  • A safe place to live (a shelter)
  • Bible teaching and vocational education
  • Assist in finding work for these teens after developing work skills
  • Follow-up with the girls to be sure they are successful in life and active in the church

See what We are All About!

Sheltering Vulnerable Teenagers

Thousands of teenagers are sold, entrapped, coerced, tricked, drugged and other means to make them slaves of organized crime in many countries outside and inside of Asia. For example, Japan’s criminal underground brothels have approximately one hundred and fifty thousand girls in their prostitution racket. About twenty thousand young girls leave Nepal each year to become prostitutes in other countries. This is true of many Asian countries. The sex trade continues to worsen with each passing year.

Locations & Operations

Save Asian Souls currently provides safe houses and conduct community outreach activities in the following Asian countries:

  • Nepal
  • Laos
  • Thailand
  • Philippines

A team of churches of Christ congregations in Asia will handle the operations in their areas. This effort will target the teenagers before they become victims of the criminal elements and are moved from their home country to another country. The services provided for these teenagers is outlined in the goals above. Each country where these teens live will have a shelter that will care for them until they are stable enough to survive on their own and not become victims of the criminal elements.

Management team

These are the members of our management team:

  • James Ronald Brown – Founder
  • Jackie Feng – CEO
  • Phetsavanah Inthavong – Co-Director in Laos
  • Sagar – Director in Nepal
  • Lokendra – Assistant Director in Nepal.
  • Ronald Brown –  is constructing an orphanage in the Philippines (please visit https://www.casaesperanzaofangels.com/ for more info).

James Ronald Brown is 87 years old and when he passes on a new TEAM has been selected to replace him.

Team Effort

All of our works will consist of team efforts to accomplish our goals. Other areas will be selected as the foundation grows and can handle more teens. The number of teens trafficked is in the range of twenty million per year. Our opportunities are unlimited. God will be pleased with us saving lives and soul.

We will seek to collaborate with local and worldwide organizations, corporations, churches and businesses to gain donations, goods, or services at reduced prices. We will seek to become active in the community to make our efforts known to those who may be able to assist in the support of the vulnerable girls.

Safe House In Philippines

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