Dear Brother Ron,
Greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother we had to transfer the bees hives during the night because the bees settle in their hives only at night. We sent the hives to the village area where our local preacher stays. We decided to send it there because that area is near to make the bees easy to collect the juices. Yesterday an experienced person in the honey bees field went along with me and gave us a proper lessons about keeping the bees safe and how we can get best production. You can see in the pictures below.
After about two months we have to transfer them to another location where the bees could find flowers. After about one month we can harvest honey from these hives. We can get about 9- 10 kg honey from one hives. We will let you know about the further progress in this honey bees project.
Thank you
In Him
Lokendra and Ranjit